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[中国新闻] 中华人民共和国国籍法

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-1-5 17:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' T+ j# [$ k2 Z1 i6 j' V2014-11-10 16:10  ' w  T+ _5 o8 N( j
中华人民共和国国籍法(附英文) * ?7 j$ L6 R4 \/ U* ?
(一九八0年九月十日第五届全国人民代表大会第三次会议通过)6 L; w2 K9 Z" U. Y& r# o
《中华人民共和国国籍法》 7 A/ S9 ~$ y. m4 Q2 g1 T1 z, G* t* v# R+ {
9 s) N: [: p5 O0 G+ i4 t* f 第一条   中华人民共和国国籍的取得、丧失和恢复,都适用本法。0 k: }+ ~7 @& j
    第二条   中华人民共和国是统一的多民族的国家,各民族的人都具有中国国籍。
5 a. n1 Q( G* v$ F5 L    第三条    中华人民共和国不承认中国公民具有双重国籍。
8 f" Z! p3 Y6 N$ G6 J+ Z  w    第四条   父母双方或一方为中国公民,本人出生在中国,具有中国国籍。# l( F, t( {/ j! p9 \$ x$ ]$ U* p
    第五条   父母双方或一方为中国公民,本人出生在外国,具有中国国籍;但父母双方或一方为中国公民并定居在外国,本人出生时即具有外国国籍的,不具有中国国籍。) y4 F/ x# B; F0 M
    第六条   父母无国籍或国籍不明,定居在中国,本人出生在中国,具有中国国籍。
, t& z3 m- \( ~8 i8 }& ?2 a    第七条   外国人或无国籍人,愿意遵守中国宪法和法律,并具有下列条件之一的,可以经申请批准加入中国国籍:
3 |2 B- T1 K9 P- a( v# E0 A( z) z9 O    一、中国人的近亲属;
, B. z: c: R( ~! S0 d    二、定居在中国的;0 v4 M. f  u) E1 y4 R5 @# Z
    三、有其它正当理由。0 E# w( a# W( ?( O3 r7 W2 o6 H
    第八条   申请加入中国国籍获得批准的,即取得中国国籍;被批准加入中国国籍的,不得再保留外国国籍。
3 T& u  c4 t% c7 ~' R; v$ g9 t    第九条    定居外国的中国公民,自愿加入或取得外国国籍的,即自动丧失中国国籍。
  N$ t9 l1 f; E! l" r- i! a3 }    第十条    中国公民具有下列条件之一的,可以经申请批准退出中国国籍:
9 K/ ?6 t' P, |/ }0 C    一、外国人的近亲属;1 L- P4 f, P0 m8 c
    二、定居在外国的;& b8 ?: {3 d; Q& y. h# F
    三、有其它正当理由。: V" ~2 J: M  L& N
    第十一条    申请退出中国国籍获得批准的,即丧失中国国籍。
" s3 Z& C2 S/ W$ ], k8 n4 a    第十二条   国家工作人员和现役军人,不得退出中国国籍。
! _) ]1 R; C  N2 Z5 z% k    第十三条   曾有过中国国籍的外国人,具有正当理由,可以申请恢复中国国籍;被批准恢复中国国籍的,不得再保留外国国籍。5 ^* }; O# V9 h0 F. v7 Z* W
    第十四条   中国国籍的取得、丧失和恢复,除第九条规定的以外,必须办理申请手续。未满十八周岁的人,可由其父母或其他法定代理人代为办理申请。
% d  y( \# G% i2 |5 i7 l    第十五条    受理国籍申请的机关,在国内为当地市、县公安局,在国外为中国外交代表机关和领事机关。
% C) Q5 i! u5 R2 \6 w    第十六条   加入、退出和恢复中国国籍的申请,由中华人民共和国公安部审批。经批准的,由公安部发给证书。# v3 _, y7 `5 X
    第十七条   本法公布前,已经取得中国国籍的或已经丧失中国国籍的,继续有效。/ F# _; G/ a. t/ V( N
    第十八条   本法自公布之日起施行。: O8 ^2 E, x2 z
     ' R% ?+ Q" w* G' [( y% r
" B6 R! `; z% \2 E/ X6 i! P      
/ q6 h, J, W; ?9 B/ o" [  @Important  Notice:  (注意事项)1 p; k# Q# S4 Z3 n" S6 T
    英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
: z, b" |7 i% g) D" ~This  English  document  is  coming  from  "LAWS  AND  REGULATIONS  OF THE  PEOPLE''S REPUBLIC OF  CHINA  GOVERNING  FOREIGN-RELATED  MATTERS" (1991.7)0 s3 ~* d' ?3 D  F" N; Y$ J3 z
which  is  compiled  by  the  Brueau  of  Legislative Affairs of the State2 v0 q& L5 |/ o! x9 j
Council of  the  People''s Republic of China, and is published by the China0 j7 h# B0 h2 i
Legal System Publishing House.
, T! l9 w$ I8 v. SIn case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.
5 X- e6 o) x4 A) C  q$ l, d                    Whole  Document  (法规全文)
: j) L) G- J$ y8 q* z$ J! l: |(Adopted at the Third  Session  of  the  Fifth  National  People''s
6 U6 O! d4 g8 ]/ v0 G" QCongress, promulgated by Order No. 8  of  the  Chairman  of  the  Standing
( y1 t4 p$ V$ Y7 Z7 NCommittee of the  National  People''s  Congress  on  and  effective  as  of( e% b. Y! x1 b/ ~( K6 P+ s# O
September 10, 1980); @& P( Y6 x$ l* |: m  s: e" o
Article 1
/ v. k# |: ~; ^This Law is  applicable  to  the  acquisition,  loss  and  restoration  of( G6 D) Y7 @$ W9 {# z' g1 e
nationality of the People''s Republic of China.
; B6 `! o- I/ t  F7 rArticle 26 z# z! Z1 z' ^
The People''s Republic of China is a unitary multinational  state;  persons
, e9 ^4 T. k0 o" xbelonging to  any  of  the  nationalities  in  China  shall  have  Chinese' _0 d0 u: {& u8 z+ P; f' e; Z
nationality.5 J& y' [; f3 y6 f" c
Article 3
0 S  A: ]' N7 W$ qThe People''s Republic of China does not recognize dual nationality for any
, Y  `0 M0 R6 M4 yChinese national.' x6 j( t1 p) |8 `
Article 4
! i- S- N; c% v  G3 U" Z) dAny person born in China whose parents are both Chinese nationals  or  one0 n6 Y2 W9 U- p; Z5 d& `5 i
of whose parents is a Chinese national shall have Chinese nationality.
) J+ ?1 M+ ~7 C: m2 XArticle 5
! G+ h' W" W: {+ b$ Z  N  J3 i* K% xAny person born abroad whose parents are both Chinese nationals or one  of; N2 }) q' q% p4 z5 T
whose parents is a Chinese national shall have Chinese nationality. But  a. z1 Z4 w0 M1 g  ]* H1 H% k: w
person whose parents are both Chinese  nationals  and  have  both  settled( M5 G8 g- Q7 r# j2 ~
abroad, or one of whose parents is a  Chinese  national  and  has  settled" S7 |. \9 }: _6 R0 v- w2 i
abroad, and who has acquired foreign nationality at birth shall  not  have4 i6 q/ F1 I" _$ ?* k8 W
Chinese nationality." y. {6 r' j& d" D5 X3 \9 Y& w
Article 6* }$ B  f; R! c  q  H6 X9 |- z& T  t3 J- `
Any person born in China whose  parents  are  stateless  or  of  uncertain- F) U1 |. O9 c2 \  }9 {6 y9 z
nationality and have settled in China shall have Chinese nationality.
/ G) k1 S6 L3 VArticle 7
( e7 P+ B0 I- F+ a* a1 AForeign nationals or stateless persons who are willing to abide by China''s
) `' f- V3 q8 P% A5 _Constitution and laws and who meet one of the following conditions may  be
3 t' ]  I% V% }0 E% F, S; onaturalized upon approval of their applications:
! n7 h: u, U3 z. e# D- c(1) they are near relatives of Chinese nationals;
) n4 A9 y  K* X' M(2) they have settled in China; or9 e, ^. E0 A  R& u8 ~% v
(3) they have other legitimate reasons.
$ x! z, f/ A: MArticle 8
5 ^% s. I5 Q1 cAny person who applies for naturalization  as  a  Chinese  national  shall* W2 L. ~, N" I/ r/ M( m
acquire Chinese nationality upon approval of  his  application;  a  person# T: a* E, L5 H7 @( I0 v$ W& i) J
whose application for  naturalization  as  a  Chinese  national  has  been0 L1 Q2 K8 a+ O/ b  w7 @3 V5 d
approved shall not retain foreign nationality.. o1 ]4 E6 z2 _$ Q5 T
Article 9
" D5 w' i' ?) i7 C$ OAny Chinese national who has settled abroad and who has  been  naturalized
  S' |0 k6 ~% x  G) ]+ Z4 Fas a foreign national or has acquired foreign nationality of his own  free
( S! V3 V+ l2 M* m7 S- q/ p" I$ lwill shall automatically lose Chinese nationality.
- ?  E+ A3 \1 [* ~7 ?  RArticle 10. P' j  B9 X: ~: g/ l( L* ~
Chinese nationals who meet one of the following  conditions  may  renounce# \5 e& w& h7 a4 n; b  _
Chinese nationality upon approval of their applications:
! \$ Q. x: A; }$ A0 ?$ e! v3 e- m(1) they are near relatives of foreign nationals;
; @* p/ A& s! q  O$ v! B5 t(2) they have settled abroad; or
0 @8 D: o/ w4 ?) n* A' h(3) they have other legitimate reasons.
; z; `; W: l$ {& L1 vArticle 11
5 ?2 W. {' j& N# N6 I: Y* E) p: vAny person who applies for renunciation of Chinese nationality shall  lose
1 `; E: ^( A# D( a) ]Chinese nationality upon approval of his application.  N: j3 t/ {! N3 P
Article 12
3 d6 d/ f3 I$ m; w. lState functionaries and military personnel on  active  service  shall  not
" U1 R# ~" y% U4 prenounce Chinese nationality.
' Z5 d  s% j- z$ |% r/ KArticle 132 ~( s7 J4 {( [/ T6 R$ X
Foreign  nationals  who  once  held  Chinese  nationality  may  apply  for
, [/ N2 B6 h' q1 S9 Wrestoration of Chinese nationality if they have legitimate reasons;  those+ R! Y3 u% _9 R
whose applications  for  restoration  of  Chinese  nationality  have  been5 O4 ^2 z4 V% ]+ @6 V6 I
approved shall not retain foreign nationality.& g6 @: u0 ?9 R$ b
Article 14
: H& c$ m: }" j8 u7 I! i( }) YPersons who wish to acquire, renounce or restore Chinese nationality, with
9 Q$ s* q& Q# b/ X: e2 Ithe exception of the cases provided for in Article 9, shall go through the
* L! U& Z6 w! v; |3 Bformalities of application.  Applications of persons under the age  of  18
' F1 u+ y. f8 t, qmay  be  filed  on  their  behalf  by  their  parents   or   other   legal
/ A9 g) U" l& E' Mrepresentatives.1 R6 v, t" E$ r: D
Article 15
! E9 ~6 n2 d& J, Q( ^3 [. Y, qNationality applications at home shall be handled by the  public  security' c9 d5 |! a( o& d# d: ]2 x- f
bureaus of the municipalities or counties where the applicants reside;# s6 ~4 E1 h: o+ B5 x' j5 Y
nationality applications abroad shall be  handled  by  China''s  diplomatic. }& h- |8 X8 Q
representative agencies and consular offices.
3 T* A; S; L+ m+ [Article 16. c5 V, M0 ^" @7 G+ V
Applications for naturalization as Chinese nationals and for  renunciation
: k2 [6 O; C5 D0 V$ [3 L- Z* Lor restoration of Chinese  nationality  are  subject  to  examination  and1 U( E6 ?& R! f& I0 J
approval by the Ministry of Public Security of the  People''s  Republic  of  T6 h4 `2 O! G7 S3 d! ^2 l' z4 V
China. The Ministry of Public Security shall issue a  certificate  to  any
0 Z( P2 V, }$ {3 K! Zperson whose application has been approved.3 Q* |) ~0 B5 A
Article 17  d+ e* Q% B( C- i$ z- L& F' H2 U0 C
The nationality status of  persons  who  have  acquired  or  lost  Chinese4 b$ r; F  P7 m; L
nationality before the promulgation of this Law shall remain valid.3 E. G' L3 ?1 B6 b
Article 18' [% {+ Z' H" k: l  O2 a8 I( U& `$ o
This Law shall come into force on the day of its promulgation.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-1-5 19:58 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(12) 鸡蛋(0)
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