由于在9月1日递交申请后,一直没收到FN,所以我写信去询问.下面是我讯问后收到的回信 Subject: CCT-006 Status inquiry - pre-file-creation ; {- K6 l$ i$ K* N+ Q
Dear Sir/Madam,
" P' a' }+ L' z: y) f4 Y/ h' ^5 Q
& X g' J p e- Y/ UWe are currently processing applications for permanent residence which arrived at the Consulate in early August 2006. If yours arrived after this date, it is still in the processing queue. Please be patient. We will contact you in due course.9 A! U" ?9 K1 s
Due to high volume of applications in process, please keep your case enquiries to a minimum., I% _5 S; P6 O& H0 m3 ^
Thank you.
# w% u j. E7 U4 A* {, ?; I- wImmigration Section# A$ ?8 P) Q7 F3 ?
Consulate General of Canada, Hong Kong
2 y0 _: t$ @" _, T$ a1 t7 z- ~12/F., Tower 16 P3 E; n# H0 Y7 u2 m# h! O
Exchange Square8 Connaught PlaceHong Kong Web Site: http://www.hongkong.gc.ca9 a1 V* `& }* ~
email: hkong-im-enquiry@international.gc.ca
4 R2 o: x# b7 l9 z- @& K) L! ^
0 Q0 ^' M+ u5 kCCT-006
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