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[技术互助] 需要三个电工做推荐人

鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-7-3 11:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
需要三个电工做推荐人。& e# E; Y7 ]3 b8 \
想学电工。报名需要三个电工做推荐人。 请问有谁愿意为我提供这些信息吗? 万分感谢。 请发电邮至 leeliye@yahoo.com.   具体需要以下信息:
3 @! a% g4 ^7 u5 H; |- wList 3 people’s name:( L) v; F! K8 F6 W% H  r
& ^' V0 M) L% @' a

9 J& [" k. j- |; h2 I1.        Contact Name:        ___; Occupation___- g" @3 i, W! ]; @# D
Company Name, Address and Phone: ___
! q8 }4 h0 X; N' }* l. P+ D8 jHours of Work (Shifts, weekend, overtime, availability): ___
+ l8 {1 D; V/ ?% V# x/ h; ], _+ }& TPlaces of Work (environment, sectors, location accessibility, paperwork/academics, workplace expectations): ___
/ s+ z7 G7 A& o9 N" K9 k9 a& R7 ~. t
Physical Expectations (strength, daily tasks, fitness level, challenges)
/ w3 Q5 K" P/ J' T: U8 KOccupational Health & Safety considerations (health risks, workplace risks, long term effects, work/life balance)___
6 t; a0 \  b* b6 e$ X9 t5 bOther notes from the conversation: ___
: M( @. u" d! M' H7 f" U( o5 ~9 D' v$ r0 U" W& M

& g' |7 N" B1 D: R$ x* x2.        From your conversations, what is your understanding of what people in this occupation actually do in the job? List as typical duties as you can.; b- C  V1 [7 O# E# z3 G
a ___
8 b( ~6 j+ c- R. R7 a4 t" ~b. ___/ a4 N8 L% M. u
c. ___
4 e8 U/ F0 j0 N3 E1 x  z, Kd. ___
5 I2 Z* P; E/ X/ f; j9 M( I# a0 `$ L# d/ @' `- ]
2. What do they like most/least about their work?. h3 s0 Q$ B. r# m- A

; i# |8 C# Q  N1 n
鲜花(39) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-7-4 11:58 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(30) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-7-12 20:59 | 显示全部楼层
Permit 发表于 2015-7-4 11:58
" ]: W% \7 |- S( c9 P# h' d做推荐人不难,但您得让人先了解您本人。

+ m$ I* b7 [: ]% h" `: [8 A
鲜花(39) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-7-19 15:59 | 显示全部楼层
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