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埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-11-23 18:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我象疯了一样想找工作,我是今年6月毕业的,专业是化学环境工程,在按大略的大学毕业的,然后就立刻搬到了卡而家里,当时几乎是盲目的,只是听说这里工作好找。但来了之后才发现,只有LABOUR 工才好找,我第二天就找了一个咖啡店的工作,不过专业工作,难的多了。我折腾到这个月初才找到一个地质公司的实验员工作,不过和专业一点关系也没有。
; h, o- K% Y$ c5 Q- \3 B0 |& K' c  \9 F3 b3 n9 j
% `" B( ~" T2 ?/ ]" M4 ~* a; n4 g: a. q$ L/ N5 X
我正在申请EIT, 希望能找到一个能得到相关经验的工作,听说FOR的工作很多,不知道适合不适合我这样的几乎没有工作经验的学生。我不想再盲目一次,今天撞了车,向老板请了假,看了一天这个论坛,觉得热心人很多,突然想发个帖子让大家帮我参谋一下。 . f5 T+ p" t- `" {  M# x

1 y" E3 ~9 r5 ^& g6 B我很明白我现在有些焦躁,不过,情绪是控制不了的,或者很难控制。
: ~9 _! s2 C$ n% X  w+ s9 c* D) i2 Z  o( x8 @9 Q2 _& s
我写了一份FOR  GENERAL的 简历,发在下面,大家帮提个意见吧。
8 J  n8 A1 K$ N+ |3 i/ R+ J3 {3 k0 v3 s$ c* @5 M5 d5 j2 O; R
" y8 w" x6 I) F0 G4 w5 l; ~& a. v4 U" H+ ^& |$ y8 M
我的MSN  fafathan@hotmail.com
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-23 18:36 | 显示全部楼层
YI      HAN
, g4 [, R! o1 a5 u1 h/ k9 w
/ C. |* p4 d; w4 ^54 Bermuda Dr. NW                                                                                Cell:  (403) 561-11828 w$ O) _6 ~( P) r2 {$ x% z
Calgary, AB, T3K 1H7                                                                Email: fafathan@hotmail.com 2 R5 j9 a) B4 s* Y  A7 l' ^
1 |( j" X" l, t$ d5 {/ O& D
6 s! ^: U  I3 W1 w& n, N" }( G
OBJECTIVE:        Seeking an engineer trainee position in the chemical/environmental field
& H/ j5 l- Z" C: x6 n; u" O4 H: E% v6 o( A

! n/ ]2 ^3 v  _: rHIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATIONS:. Q5 T( x7 b" c

, Y' p& y( x  g! Z/ a6 y& _·        Bachelor of Chemical/Biochemical Engineering Science, UWO, 2006
/ F0 I. a( y6 Z+ _& N" }·        Proficient in MS Office, HYSIS, MATLAB, labVIEW, P&ID Workstudio and related industry software5 C: I; {% R! P' Y
·        Experienced in setting up and conducting chemical experiments) S! p0 `& M# r
·        Knowledge of designing industrial wastewater treatment facility and natural gas purification system9 w8 }- I+ z7 Q: P
·        Extensive chemical safety knowledge and practice- }# R0 X& W9 n
·        Analytical report writing. Y1 ?0 s" W+ B7 b
·        Highly organized, self-regulated and enthusiastic for study
5 @2 a' [1 A- E# Q- y/ A% e- {/ K% {+ G% G: n

( I; }( f7 l& k$ J* mRELATED SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE:) ^) U4 u5 r  a7 [) c! ?
- r* Y1 C8 ?7 v/ n5 M! H- t; {
LABORATORY: m+ n; S* ^. D
·        Prepared solutions of gas or liquid, and sample formulations & U$ t5 a. T' e# ~; ^
·        Tested and analysed variety of chemical solutions using calibration curve, physical or chemical separation and other techniques
( D+ L! `4 o  H7 Z+ D7 A/ }·        Recorded lab data and discussed influence of pH value, temperature, catalyst or other specific conditions.2 w; ^; R( O0 q9 j9 D5 V5 V9 Q2 Q6 e
·        Chose optimal value for current experiment based on team discussion
# C0 D" n- }' I  D' v6 R·        Improved experiment procedures by eliminating errors
: j# @8 e( Y; l+ G·        Presented the lab reports in PowerPoint, graphs and charts
5 Q$ I& J9 w1 u, N) K" m2 ^) r      
0 L3 B# Q: l3 |" S/ r* A: c* b- D3 l9 o- o  ~2 M/ `- }, W* C
RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS 7 ?, g6 ^) C3 L* K, g! C6 i
·        Studied and applied principles of thermodynamics, energy/material balance and heat/mass transfer
" ^+ w. l2 I* U% ~& @4 ~5 D·        Knowledge of chemical reactors and catalyst process
6 p7 W5 p& c3 m( |% }6 b) I·        Compared existing alternatives and made optimal decision
$ l0 g) N- C+ V; w" ?5 _; d3 _·        Familiar with basic chemical formulations or functions
, b! f+ R  b" b1 m/ l·        Estimated entitled project gross cost through designing whole facility
* M" V8 l. G- X, V  }( s·        Learned about North America air emissions and industry wastewater regulations. 2 y0 ]2 v; n% s
·        Studied and designed about nature gas purification, removing H2S, CO2 CO impurities.; R  R0 w2 @$ I) ~8 K/ `
·        Studied and designed about high temperature methane reformation process
! r9 w3 y- p2 P$ d3 }8 m% {·        Studied and designed about heavy metals removal facility for industry wastewater
8 K3 g# k  |5 J) n/ j) r        ) m# ^$ x0 ]) t6 c+ c4 A3 F
      6 ]2 L7 j* ?8 [9 N+ l+ M! Y
8 L6 u4 N7 |8 m! \0 g, i·        Planned project time table for group: d: Q7 P  r. }5 M
·        Identified and initiated problems discussion in group meeting
3 t% j) a0 V6 g& x* @" o·        Clearly demonstrated concepts , g* v7 l( r7 k; D
·        Readily assisted and co-operated * P4 G9 J3 F7 o/ O% l! o) |* s- F& @! d
* F6 R1 V* w6 `* y4 c' l

6 N: J) n: h0 x" ~7 NRELATED PROJECT EXPERIENCE:4 `7 v% C6 x9 I+ w! D: x
4 r9 W$ l! M2 H% {& E/ n! a: D1 z
Sabatini Earth Technology Ltd  ; S  j, }- @$ D1 q
' ^6 h% x& B& {8 N/ `+ F$ y
Laboratory technician                         + Q; {: b! A( Z0 ?4 C! p4 C5 P

$ V/ [! t- u( |" M9 IUniversity of Western Ontario             7 k# D& ^5 _# K: ]! i: E
0 Q5 v( W8 A/ L  `( A6 `! k
Natural gas purification system design                                              " @- E9 \& L) j- [+ D) V
Study of industrial wastewater treatment facility                                              " S5 j( X% [' [1 i
  h$ n  S3 i; E8 O- H+ i& I3 y- L
" X. M0 Y7 S, N; n$ j# a% B3 ?. b5 N
2 a5 g7 k/ u3 ^4 R9 C·        Enjoy working in chemical/environmental field1 _% q; ?2 _, D
·        Readily relocate/travel. & U- N4 v) r* S. A8 ~
: K' P% c  i. J+ C2 F' t0 S

  Z$ t( N& ]3 mEDUCATION:! a5 @* L! Y* I9 Q  k
: u/ F$ w4 s# U- @+ f+ H
       Bachelor of Engineering Science, Biochemical/Chemical Engineering                        2006             ; L' d* ^# m4 _; D6 t6 _3 |
       University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-13 01:00 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1 SENSY 的帖子

the labour market in calgary is not as hot as it was back in spring/summer of 2006, but as far as i know, it's still quite good. I'm not just talking about general labour work, but professional work as well. Where you might fell short is that your resume is rather weak. you need cater it to specific job postings every single time. just quickly looking at your resume, i can see that you can apply for process engineer, environmental engineer or R&D engineer positions, but the way you describe yourself, it sounds though you know a bit of everything, but not a lot about anything. to be successful, you'll need to polish up your resume a bit more and exaggerate some of your skills. most importantly, cater it to each posting you come accross.
7 L8 i" q* ~' Q0 z& P9 F
9 G& L# r+ Y) Y/ Y* ogood luck!
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