鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2006-12-6 09:07
原帖由 didiced 于 2006-12-5 12:39 发表
+ a+ J e6 l; i$ z& Y6 L Q; S5 f- g o, u
5 {. j; J$ o& o( W, ~
If you choose 住接待站, you can get some information you need and know some people;
2 D n0 s$ |6 v1 c' `8 O2 c# pIf you choose 租房子 in advance, you can save money and settle down quickly than others. 5 k7 |5 T6 q% _. }( ^7 g) h. k
* l* a2 ?0 Y8 s9 r% n, \+ p谢谢!真高明!
0 H% v5 N! b! [ V9 M" w您一定是老移民吧,麻烦您再给一些建议,
3 k' ]: X) j4 |/ ?/ B. i我们租房在什么区比较好,适合孩子上高中(高中三年),然后上大学。4 H- |8 ^+ S P. D
9 S" z: |2 i" L& t& ?' j \
[ 本帖最后由 冰雪寒天 于 2006-12-6 08:22 编辑 ] |