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埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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Fort McMurray土著公司:Welder, Millwright, HVAC Tech等多职位空缺

鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2017-8-6 14:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一个西人朋友提到他们公司招人,去网站看还真是不少。因为是土著公司,我想石油公司会特意把这些合约给他们,所以工作相对比一般的服务公司要稳定吧。6 R* H9 c5 y+ F% o0 }% M

+ j% {% i) j6 h4 o" n希望对大家有帮助:
# `: [. x1 D. E6 u- v6 N( X
5 p1 C2 a' O: ?: r7 O, }- T3 Y. chttp://www.acden.com/careers/
; x% @8 ]' J( @& l9 J# @6 ^' t2 N# ]! K% ?; d1 Z: s5 ^* ]

& b8 S# a7 I+ `' q7 i" j$ `  a2 D2 g1 q5 F6 O3 O

" H6 N+ g9 Z  c( T0 BAdvisor, Communications and Public Relations (Acden Holdings)
0 J5 F7 ?" m: w( o+ b0 l8 z6 R+ bJob Information | Apply Here
5 G5 k. I1 @+ b- z        
; Z- E* v6 |( `. eClass One Operator (Acden Environment)6 \: {' p0 D! D3 D, `8 v2 e# {
Job Information | Apply Here
, v$ m' @. Q1 V$ Q% nOperations Supervisor (Acden Environment)3 R( b, c2 W7 Z& N% `$ x; N. L
Job Information | Apply Here; O+ C9 O; N/ X% I9 |7 B  Z; `
Temporary Landfill Equipment Operator (Acden Environment)
  e2 b1 j8 `  ~2 Y, }8 mJob Information | Apply Here; X. \1 w8 `* h
Temporary Landfill Equipment Operator (Acden Environment)
  u/ i$ Y1 W" z5 s5 ~/ D2 @7 y5 _* n% nJob Information | Apply Here' c2 u) ?) ?% A$ ^3 b- U7 H
Temporary Class One Operators (Acden Environment)
$ x. c+ N& B* {Job Information | Apply Here
. @, S, d) p' {# E7 k: {3 {Health, Safety, Environment (HSE) Coordinator (Acden Environment)2 m0 n5 H' ]8 q1 l4 N
Job Information | Apply Here
3 q% n) @  A/ WOperations Supervisor (Acden Environment)
- P5 q/ l0 h, K; Y4 I- VJob Information | Apply Here0 y/ a5 u* o7 F7 S% @+ `6 v
$ [  t6 c, s+ o" g2 |% KAutomotive Service Technician (Acden Facilities)3 n8 N4 ^2 A& f/ m1 u8 i
Job Information | Apply Here. \. x4 e* Q6 ?0 h' n: a
Millwrights (Upcoming Projects) [Acden Facilities]* i& c, L' {; s. z  g) d
Job Information | Apply Here
: ]: V6 ~3 F3 c* ]  ?. hTemporary Journeyperson HVAC Technician (Acden Facilities): f. V' B# i( R) O! ?/ r
Job Information | Apply Here
4 Q' ]$ b2 p4 V* }        + a# T  h  {: M
Journeyperson Welder (Acden Lemax Machining and Welding Incorporated)  D. X% s* q1 H& x
Job Information | Apply Here
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