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UA textbook

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发表于 2017-8-12 08:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
U of A textbooks  y+ Q8 t' Q; W* d8 b% k
1)English(The Brief Penguin Handbook 3rd Canadian edition)- used like new $50# g9 ]" ?4 y5 T4 G- W0 p
2) Quantum Chemistry 2nd(Donald A.McQuarrie)-used like new $100
! w1 E) X' c2 C1 u# k8 K2 ]3)The Qualitative Theory of ordinary differential equations an introductions-$6 used# V; Y$ W5 u- l# S
4)Psychology104:Basic Psychology Process-used $25
/ _/ ]+ j$ f+ W% r2 Z' ]( K5) Chemistry Siberberg6e with Maunal solution-used$50
) L6 i. E( \1 J, L- P9 ~6)Quantitative chemical analysis with solution manual-used $501 D, d6 S4 ]& z. q$ E) F2 E
7)inside reading 4-used $20
0 ], ]5 d) L; z8 H8 h! O8)Chemistry Siberbery textbook-used$35
" h& }6 n: \+ k/ M: v9)Elements of environmental chemistry-used $20
! o! `; C$ E! @) |! e* B& i10) The nuclear Age-Tim'O BRien -used$5
* V/ X: P# e+ n/ f9 W( zPlease contact me
1 d5 D3 z& p$ ~% g& ^; v; W5 ^1 ]Phone number:780-803-8768:text prefer  @7 R$ B% M. [' Z: D4 I' p

% g8 p# R9 X5 b" Z1 K6 M, C8 c$ W( Z
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