本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2019-5-30 12:13 编辑 & Z3 d" x" b- C1 t6 {* } ; `$ a& Z. L. x* U( ?' @地址:10508 Jasper AV NW+ F0 a. q: c; P+ m+ Q# Y
* | G. f A: q售价:$280,000 % I( a# y' J+ Y: P5 m# K* P " l. q% a" ?6 f/ L) x6 Q联系方式:老杨团队 & K# _# i* s. M; d1 |1 s
: ?4 H3 X* ]1 l" A7 X; @: e- d& g
(http://www.fanyangteam.com) / A% f/ b1 `5 `* l$ x Y2 ]8 J( e 8 Q4 Y" O' S' n* t6 [; l4 C - h' d, e: I/ e# w. i: } * G6 o" U! l+ N! s1 o) @5 V风靡亚洲人气品牌——精武鸭脖店,地处DownTown旺地Jasper Ave!特制鸭货,口口留香,超高曝光度,忠实回头客众多!订单稳定,增长潜力巨大!更可提供外卖和送餐服务,绝佳商机,机不可失!5 t4 _' [* f; Q7 B5 t$ J4 f
% C1 C9 ]0 H( J C' p1 [% |9 m( X" [0 z
Authentic Asian street food restaurant on Jasper Ave, specializing in duck products. High exposure with lots of repeat customers and walk-ins. Stable business with great potential to grow. Takeout or delivery service is available. ! S/ r% ~& l" T4 d8 Z" l8 Z9 E: d% k: [ " e5 `: ?% K- I4 P" t % w) h M* h) h. d X, i$ J" C 4 Y& k& R$ Z2 ]# u# Y. \6 @; ~# ~+ v5 K
& E) d# K/ h3 A4 x K j/ t9 q1 ^ t