埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[时事热评] 她赌输了结果裸体购物

鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2018-8-12 11:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
据猜测是赌输了,所以不着寸缕的去买酒: D" v( p6 {& T* o9 a3 E) u. A: e
  D# l  U+ z! X" a
naked woman.jpg
, _: t9 L* V9 X0 b* W5 O
/ V" M7 T( |( i3 g收银员很淡定
3 h8 t% U* o  w6 _1 G" _; z2 e1 p; a; v( P7 T( I' w+ e" Y# \
2 I: L' _" ^. L# O; Z6 _) H# h
A naked woman got out of a car and casually strolled into a petrol station to grab a beer.& G$ S8 Q% h  j# K- \
+ s+ ?# S: Z4 R$ K6 T! |) K( t- W
The bizarre scenes were captured by CCTV and posted to a social media community page based in the south-western city of Krasnodar。5 {! \) m1 n5 ?! n3 v( E& H
4 t* j0 s) `9 F, V+ B1 g/ u0 X0 h
The woman, wearing only a pair of high heels, is helped out of a white 4WD parked outside by a male companion.( p9 I$ Q% V# ]- ^  i. F6 d& t

; g7 v- Y) ^, Q( zThe pair have a chat by the car before the nude woman walks into the shop, followed by the man, who appears to be recording her on his mobile phone.' F0 u8 r3 D4 U4 D6 r
6 K2 g4 Z% {  o5 b  M7 |
The blonde woman approaches the counter in her birthday suit holding the bottle of beer.
' ~2 w* T; H5 e3 @
1 F+ c# U9 X8 F0 |( F8 v( M, uThe cashier does not seem phased.
鲜花(52) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2018-8-12 18:36 | 显示全部楼层
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