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[时事热评] 游泳测试

鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2018-9-28 10:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 billzhao 于 2018-9-28 10:46 编辑
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0 L% R, K7 j/ L4 K西方判官为了证实一个人是否是巫婆进行的一种测试名曰“游泳测试”。 被指控的男女巫被拖到最近的水塘,剥去他们的内衣,绑定,然后扔进水塘,看看他们是否会下沉或漂浮。由于男女巫被认为摒弃了洗礼的圣礼,判官为了证实一个人是否是巫婆认为水会排斥他们的身体并阻止他们淹没。 根据这个逻辑,一个无辜的人会像石头一样下沉(无罪),但男女巫只会在表面上晃动(有罪)。  沉入水中不浮出的被告是无罪。不沉入水中,能漂浮的被告有罪是巫婆。无论是胜诉还是败诉他都死定了。 $ P/ }! ^. {. ]" d. I: }, R4 t

% L1 |) I$ _, ]) Q3 A; OAs part of the infamous “swimming test,” accused witches were dragged to the nearest body of water, stripped to their undergarments, bound and then tossed in to to see if they would sink or float. Since witches were believed to have spurned the sacrament of baptism, it was thought that the water would reject their body and prevent them from submerging. According to this logic, an innocent person would sink like a stone, but a witch would simply bob on the surface. The victim typically had a rope tied around their waist so they could be pulled from the water if they sank, but it wasn’t unusual for accidental drowning deaths to occur.
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-28 12:51 | 显示全部楼层
不过好像 Brett Kavanaugh 会虚惊一场,顺利当上最高法院的终身大法官。
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