埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(163) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2004-11-9 16:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 n6 l  }/ l  ^& ^8 f; c" F( n8 K
4 P1 R2 }& j$ Q3 h: h- U, N可也是在那时,但凡英语专家和真正高水准的英语学习者,却对这种产品持坚决的否定态度,认为电子词典实属成事不足,败事有余的产品。原因:用电子词典查出的单词,根本在头脑里没有留下什么印象,所谓水过鸭子背,过后无着落;电子词典里的英文单字,只有最最简单的解释,找不到表达的具体含义和具体用法。而英文单词的意义,很多是没法用短短的几个汉字就能表达清楚的。学习英文写作的朋友肯定有体会:自己好不容易找到一个词,打算用到文章里,结果这个词实际并不适合。可能语义过重,也可能根本不适合上下文。' w# @: o0 \# [. k6 d3 B8 t
. y7 A1 T5 d: L7 ]$ v- A- B* r0 i/ c
4 W- ^/ m5 \4 E& u3 v9 s- L$ [; k1 w- ]. U+ G$ y5 X5 t
所以,那时的电子词典,只有在需要快速阅读的时候起到一些作用,对英语学习实在是没有什么益处可言。尤其是对移民加拿大朋友,这种东西更是误事。人人都知道,在国内,懂英语,应付一般的英语考试只要知道每个单词是什么意思就行了,最多需要知道怎么拼写,至于怎么读,怎么用,谁管得了那么多。可是在加拿大,真的需要说出来,需要写出来的时候,国内的什么托福、GRE词汇可以说是P用不顶。  e% d2 p; m: w

  ]# E' s% Z2 Z转眼到了2004年,我回国买了一大堆盗版盘的同时,顺手捎了一个文曲星的PC2300,是当时的最新产品,价钱也不便宜,500多大元人民币。好在那时正好在国内花加元的新鲜劲还没过去,想都没想就买来了。回到加拿大来一看,这真是个好东西。" ~9 P, G  N! f2 j; n2 {' c
' Y/ p! U6 {3 F5 n9 n! N/ O2 M
说他是好东西,最主要是因为里面多了一个剑桥双解词典。双解词典的好处,就是对于每一个单词,除了各个词义的中、英文详细解释以外,还有例句。多数词还不止一个例句。看官说了,例句有什么用?例句的用处,就是从此之后,你不止认识这个词,这个词已经变成了你的语言的一部分。你知道什么时候该用这个词,怎么用这个词。唯一的问题就是需要用这个词的时候,它能不能第一时间从后台被调用到前台来。而且,在写文章的时候,如果对想用的单词拿不准,就可以参考例句。我在电脑上装了金山词霸2005,发现金山词霸中的例句,比起文曲星2300还略逊一筹。7 x, U! u" h0 c1 D; f4 i, ~* N
6 b: x: A, y5 w. Q0 ]" Q
另一个比较好的功能,就是你可以建立自己的生词库。每当你发现一个生词,打算把它记住,并希望以后可以自由运用的时候,就把这个单词存进自己的字库,日后可以背自己想背的单词,而不是每次都被迫从A开始。配合词典的里面的学习功能,背单词也可以事半功倍。0 s9 `% k; J! }

$ @5 `: Z  ]9 t4 K$ ]( D& n+ L我现在学习英语的模式是:左手拿着文曲星,右手拿着一张Edmonton Journal,从第一版看到第十六版,找两三篇文章精读,其他的泛读;每篇精读文章里,找出最少5个,最多10个的单词,作为今天学习重点。这样每天下来,可以学习30个左右的单词,其中20多个当天肯定记不住,忘了也就忘了;而另外5到10个,则牢记在心,变成了自己词汇量的组成部分,第二天跟老外说话,或者是写文章的时候,看看能不能把头天学的词恰如其分地用上。其实有很多单词,不必刻意去记,只要在Edmonton Journal上第四次见到,就想忘也忘不了了。
0 U  l  W: P4 a; X# Z
8 c4 [* U' g0 K# \; |' K至于词典里另外一些的花里胡梢的功能,和学英语委实关系不大,不说也罢。另一个比较大的遗憾是,里面的汉英词典部分,没有任何改进,离实用还相差甚远。0 E3 M5 t  f7 O+ m

9 x7 [8 ]. _7 x# E4 v' {& ?0 }. m说来说去,其实只有一个意思:现在国内最新的电子词典,已经能够满足各位移民朋友的学习需求,对英语能力真正的提高,确实是一个不可多得的好工具。我没有用过快译通、好译通还有其他品牌的的新产品,估计也都不错。劝各位朋友,赶紧把手头的那种老式的袖珍字典级的电子词典打入冷宫,托亲戚朋友搞一些那种具有牛津、剑桥的双解大词典,有详尽说明和大量例句的电子词典。不要怕花钱。这种投资很值得。# s5 s+ c  @7 F: b
- ^" O- |& o2 f" T
. d$ x) ?; w7 v. u* g
1 h2 S' ?8 X# G! D8 S; M" W1 P[ Last edited by Wonton on 2004-11-9 at 08:18 PM ]
鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
发表于 2004-11-9 18:20 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-9 21:19 | 显示全部楼层
对,电子词典很有用处,尤其是出门在外,随身携带很方便,这样就用不着为了表达不出自己的意思而犯愁。; V' P2 m% o2 Z
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-11 14:51 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
It is a great way to learn English with instant translaters! When you are in English-speaking countries, most of the time you only need to know the basic meanings of a word. As to how to use it, you will know when you read and hear it. Hence, the heavy dictonary is not really neccessary for daily study, unless you want to write some essays. Well, of course before you haven't seen or heard the new words you decided to use, no matter how big and complete a dictonary you use, you might misuse them...
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-12-11 19:28 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by OliveOil at 2004-11-11 05:51 PM:# b8 `/ Y& H% {+ c! j- m" p  ^
It is a great way to learn English with instant translaters! When you are in English-speaking countries, most of the time you only need to know the basic meanings of a word. As to how to use it, yo ...
! g8 s4 V& M" k
It's true
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-1-29 22:54 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2005-1-30 11:56 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by Wonton at 2004-11-9 05:59 PM:4 V! z, q1 D, x2 h* o( l
# q5 A/ c0 V/ m" I, C/ f/ @) ]5 Q
鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2005-1-30 11:59 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-2-18 11:08 | 显示全部楼层
for learning english purpose, any dictionary will do more harm than help.
' R' v; A) t2 s8 e% Y/ P0 m  ^& y6 A  e2 Z# {5 b3 ]- ~( x
to learn english, the very first thing is to forget chinese ( at least try to or pretent to), and using any dictionary will defeat that effort, even the E-E one, becasue when you read E-E dictionary, you are still translating the explaination back to chinese and try to understand it. the E-E is only useful when your english is good enough that you can understnad english directly, but in that case, we are not learning english, we are just using it.
. n! ?" ^6 E$ c" {) z0 U4 ~  V! N1 O

, N$ v) l# q, n, j7 Q, Athe best way is when you encounter a new word, just try to guess the meaning by the context it is in. you may guess it right or wrong, but doesn't matter, the next time you encountered the same word, it will be in different context, then you will have a better idea what that word is meant. A few more times later, you will have a very good idea what that word means and on top of that, you also know all the different context that word can be used in. / u1 S" C* ?0 z
7 [4 J8 c! H8 v$ c
some may argue that the next time I encounter the same word, I already forgot the first instance at all, if that's the case, then that is a very good indicator that particular word is rarly used and you shouldn't pay too much attention to that world as well.
& O' e( R2 O1 G2 d2 c7 @# n: S0 W- ~, o+ j: n; d# {
if you apply this practise, very soon you will find you are actually thinking in english rather than translate them back to chinese, and you will also find youself in a situation that you can hardly explain certain word in chinese, because you learning it in english context. weather that is a good thing or not is a totally different subject, but for learning english, I think that is the ultimate goal everyone is trying so hard to reach. what they don't know is their "ultimate tool-- the dictionary of any kind" is killing their effort.2 c8 k4 D- B8 W& V# M! i% [

$ g& x5 h& o- c) d. v) t: A7 KI have been in canada for 6 years and I never used dictionary once, and I am now very comfortable with thinking in english. :)7 b# x, p3 `' L
6 y* O+ r" [# e
1 q$ h$ J. S& W) A# V+ j/ K) X/ W% X1 t& N4 m1 g
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-15 21:26 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-3-23 12:44 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-3-24 00:02 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-3-24 18:43 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
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