埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2023-11-10 11:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
地址:University of Alberta
, I+ f4 ^  i7 `' p0 m5 W3 R6 q' O2 A: A( {- s; S% P! N
售价:$44,900$ b! ]; h) W& T6 p1 f0 ^

1 r; G/ ~, g9 d) }3 P联系方式:老杨团队
- n& e0 C: A( k2 I
8 ?' C' u" l* B: B; r9 d6 ghttp://www.fanyangteam.com! I1 E( j& R1 Z1 P" M2 E

: s6 C1 d, B3 P6 }4 o5 H
* V; i3 H) }2 x* ?. o% _( M$ s
0 I% G" W3 f( w( {5 N3 ^( q* Z% \0 n1 A  M
从1980年开始经营,40多年历史,已在大学核心白金区形成了王稳固优质品牌!销售各种小型艺术画、艺术画框、贺卡、明信片和多种手工艺品!还可发展更多商品配型,比如艺术品、珠宝、艺术图书等等(更多经营类别可详询)。$ c2 t- S% q* y! f+ u: K8 \
9 @. h) y8 p; D7 h4 v! t9 e6 S
0 S6 B: ]  z4 v" A4 V3 B3 }9 t4 t  m! H$ @7 S" ~2 w6 z
月租仅$1300,除了WIFI全包!阿尔伯塔大学每年的固定派活$1.4万!; f5 S$ X' X4 p
# n. p; u6 h+ `  D+ y) a( U# i
( v3 l$ Z- O" r; X4 a( K* F0 M% I+ f+ L$ c) q7 j3 o; @
Located in the U of A area, this well established (since 1980) is a great business. Selling and manufacturing art frames, cards, posters, small prints, metal stock, mats stock, and miscellaneous hand tools. Comes with all inventory and equipment. Has potential for selling more items such as art, jewelry, art books, etc. (list to be provided to potential buyer). Low rent including power and heat. Great hours, easy to operate. Seller will provide training./ R0 _' Z6 b/ M6 O1 z) |3 \

+ o4 _2 ?( H8 i" @- r' h6 h
7 V6 R* b( {5 i
4 ]& H. k; H, C! v" X8 u9 n9 K2 |% H0 N! y/ n5 F

! t3 N1 X* f+ z, U8 {% l  }+ K. C. L! [' ~$ [0 w2 W  s
  ^4 ^5 I3 n3 o9 h* b% b
/ h" y; T& Z' v2 B$ f  m2 F
6 n4 a2 O1 B+ X  T8 |  F: b
6 O4 z/ f2 J( N; j* V2 ^$ e( A
3 M1 Y8 L$ d9 p4 r: Z
3 N  f) R. {! ]

- D4 t  h9 @" P
* c5 E9 M, Y" I* W/ e( Z7 `) O
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