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[视频歌曲] 绝望的演绎 I don't want to miss thing!

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-6-27 22:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

' q9 }0 q9 a- v
4 m, t: P6 b' J. j$ Khttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sbQ0hqH9ZU" H* n, L9 h. n; d, x/ f' p% E
$ Y2 g! G! f4 R$ d2 h
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-7-2 08:37 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-7-2 10:33 | 显示全部楼层
I Don't Want to Miss a Thing
# z* t  m- g: B5 A. A+ P) U$ F
# G& u" @8 w( I' C: _( K( zI could stay awake just 2 hear u breathing.5 Y. a3 U: B$ U' I! ^
Watch u smile while u're sleeping.; `8 s0 {: z9 R
While u're far away dreaming.
% J5 b7 H5 X/ y" i, m: |2 DI could spend my life in this sweet surrender.- g8 Z9 A1 ?$ `% ]2 \8 S
I could stay last in this moment forever.
" ~0 ~% J$ I/ Z/ U8 G4 ]Every moment spent with u is a moment i treasure.' A8 |+ p  b  C' f! }
% o. V( ?# T0 Y* p) O8 {
I don't wanna close my eyes.
5 O. X. H3 l5 B* b; u# s8 rI don't wanna fall asleep.) Z2 F$ T2 c' e$ a
'Cause i'd miss u, baby.
3 ]: i6 A( V' X: J& _5 |% KAnd i don't wanna miss a thing./ C, F) c/ U  f0 ^) L5 g4 b
'cause even when i dream of u.* r2 e. P" \" s
The sweetest dream will never do.
6 _3 y3 ~% |8 T0 A+ @6 l- l* HI'd still miss u, baby.
4 {, T  ]7 ]/ Y. C
" B, x+ [4 @  ~5 d8 ~1 K4 c8 iLying close 2 u feeling Ur heart beating.
# J- Z  @5 ~2 c- m) [7 SAnd i'm wondering what u're dreaming.
; r9 u& r6 s8 r  Z( yWondering if it's me u're seeking.
; |. s* t& l& W+ [Then i kiss Ur eyes thank god we're together.5 C& t9 ?  f; j% w* }" E) S, B
And i just wanna stay with u.
1 R! ]. D1 I9 T0 ?' i" lIn this moment forever, forever ever.
9 k2 V8 Q) R/ Y! h( ~' l9 s$ q
# w, p$ ]5 P% p$ h0 II don't wanna miss one smile.* t' d* @* D3 {1 f* f# }8 ~5 }% N
I don't wanna miss one kiss.
1 l  u# K- a9 PWell, i just wanna be with u./ L& x9 C, b' I% s9 U; S+ J, S: R
Right here with u, just like this.' {" W" Q+ A; b& A
I just wanna hold u close.7 v( D  M: y9 f
Feel Ur heart so close 2 mine., m6 b; m8 e7 D) t  ~1 p/ f
And just stay here in this moment.
# q& [$ H2 S, `3 G- p9 u9 o) kFor all the rest of time.
  r- ?. _; A4 T) I
. j* |/ v/ n+ GDon't wanna close my eyes.+ O5 r% S7 j) B
Don't wanna fall asleep, yeah% z& s1 U" _9 l8 b- S, b) }' `" g9 n4 `
Don't wanna miss a thing.
3 {& n% x  l) Y: n9 I* }
1 d$ l3 n- [/ p- w7 {
& t' _: E7 i" e6 Q0 i4 B$ t" F. G: v/ ~# k2 ], K2 L5 V
4 m2 N' ^' R& c) q! i! \% h
5 |$ c- F& i. S2 ?我可以不眠只为听你呼吸' `+ A! C' g! W& O8 J$ c' t- P
当你做着美梦时看你熟睡的笑脸) w" c+ \7 Z! c8 J: G2 F. h
我可以用我的一生换你的温柔 永远陪伴着你
* w1 \6 Q9 w" |- a$ I& F我珍惜与分共度的每时每刻; K# X  J$ m4 q4 p, f

7 Q: {! r6 M7 m) I3 ?0 m% p我不想闭眼 我不想睡着 因为宝贝我想念你
# Z2 k, U8 o, `5 i9 |% [( M我不想错过任何事情- P* i: b+ g, j% C, j7 A0 Y
因为当我梦着你时 好梦却从未成真
% }) g9 P$ E- r) n" {5 l8 _宝贝我依然思念着你( I  ^6 n. J7 S. j) m5 g
- `& V# n9 b" J. L4 W# _
我离你是如此的近 都能感觉到你的心跳, W4 W* c, P9 b
我想知道你在梦着什么 我是否是你寻找的人6 D7 z; E" m/ i1 a) l$ t
" a, @4 J8 \6 p# T% C此时此刻我只想永远与你在一起0 j. ^% ?: S0 q" ]* k
+ G4 W4 K9 C& j, D* r4 A$ ^& O
我不想错过你温馨的微笑 不想错过你甜美的吻
( y! d+ R+ P' T' t我只想与你在一起 就这样与你一直在一起2 n7 ^. D. N9 K, T% X
只想紧紧拥着你 感觉你的心跟我紧贴3 N3 N! N2 ?( _) g+ A6 i. A
就这样在一起 一直在一起1 {: h* \; j- ]0 `3 ^: q
不想闭上眼睛 不想睡着 不想错过任何事情
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-7-4 23:10 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-11-26 12:51 | 显示全部楼层
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